Balloons A L W A Y S bring Dylan to smiles.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Preschool Halloween Bash
Kaitlyn's preschool did a Halloween Party this past Thursday (Dylan's actual birthday). What a party! Food, live music (a bunch of drums-just great as there was a huge line of various sized conga's for the kids to play) and costumes! Dylan wasn't dressed in his costume as he was asleep when we left!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A morning to capture...
Side profile. Trying to show off his 'Heames Butt' (aka, No Butt)!
Notice Kaitlyn's mis-matched shoes. Intentional. She was pretty proud for putting them on this particular morning.
'Dylan, I'm not funny. Y O U are funny.' Kaitlyn states this in her typical 'I'm the boss of you' attitude.
Moving on up in the world! Dylan's first facing forward car seat. He was in heaven, in awe and awake to take it all in!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
One. Numero Uno. Primero.
Happy Birthday Dylan!
As I cast my gaze upon you I'm struck with the changes that have taken place. Already one year of age and in reflection, it seems my memory can only retrieve life moments from recent weeks so my awe is clouded yet confident that you have stained my deepest memory banks and heart much like Kaitlyn. To recall the recent milestones is worthy enough of celebration, but the one year mark is comparable to the rites of passage some youth take as they enter into their years of maturity. Dylan, your blossoming personality puts me into a thoughtful state, allowing me to envision you becoming that friend we all have who seems to only say the words we need to hear, or that boss we desire to emulate; you will be a man of character and integrity. One with whom people will become influenced by simply from your demeanor and presence. I see great things for you, little guy and no, I don't believe it will be ruled by a football!
As the subtle lifestyle changes take place...the conversion to whole milk from formula, the shedding of the infant car seat to introduce the forward facing big boy seat...I am tickled within that the infancy days have come to a complete close. Now I am a mother of toddlers. Two glorious rays of sunlight that seem to penetrate my day with a vibrancy of colorful chaos, you both twirl around my legs and heart with a rhythm of possibility.
Dylan, you have taken on a role of obedience quite different to that of your sister. One 'no' and your eyes are onto a new task with your body right behind. Your tantrums are mild and generally include dancing feet taking you in circular paths. Screaming is not not your forte, only singing and grunting, both conducted with your baritone of a voice.
I cuddle with you Dylan knowing these days will be short lived, and in months our reality may be a headline such as...the demise of the mother son bond. Oh how I pray those days never come.
As we continue on this life together, you a toddler and I your 33 year old mother, I stand tall by your side, ready for your tomorrow, in awe of you today and in gratitude for our yesterday.
Happy Birthday, my son!
PS. Kaitlyn doesn't think it's your birthday, but rather her birthday as she says, "My birthday is not from May".
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Scribbles Gone Great
Smiley faces are a HUGE thing with Kaitlyn these days.
She has mastered the circle and now the eyes, nose, mouth, and I must say, my favorite part...the hair! Love the texture!
This girl has shown great interest in art which comes as no surprise considering I'm her mother! Yes, that sounded very arrogant-I'm just over the top ecstatic about her blossoming interests and obvious talents!
Imagination Information
"It's a sandwich, a purple one."
Chomp. It's a block with a puzzle piece upon it.
"Ice Cream, Mom. Orange."
"Not Chocolate," I ask.
"No. I have chocolate, you have orange."
Another block is held out to me, with a puzzle piece upon it.
"I'm on a motorcycle Mom. Vrroooom, vrooommm." She sits, straddling our elliptical machine, hands on the bolts of the arm bars, voice going full force as if on a fast ride.
Kaitlyn's imagination has E X P L O D E D. Somedays she roams the house roaring like a fierce lion or extinct dinosaur. I've found her busy in her play kitchen cooking all sorts of pastries and today, happily found a moldy red bell pepper in her play oven. Hmmm. Had to explore all parts of the kitchen to see what else could be in hiding! It's really a joy to watch her develop this conversational imaginary world. She is extremely inviting, always asking if I would come along on her helicopter trips, her astronaut excursions to the stars and moon and if I'd ride horses with her, 'Dylan, too' (stated as if he is not to answer but strictly comply with the trip reservation)!
Dylan has found his "I'm ashamed" face. He attempted biting my shoulder today so I voiced a firm 'No." Instantly his head dropped, his eyes dropped and his upper lip was pulled in as if about to launch into a quiver. While I think it's the most adorable response, it's heartbreaking to see his instant response become so sensitively dramatic! To be quite honest, it takes my breath away for a moment leaving me in a frozen state. His response is on the other end of the pendulum of a Kaitlyn response!
Upon waking up and receiving my incredible 'big hugs and kisses' from the kids (just about my favorite part of the entire day) the series of chaotic events begin to unfold as if a domino effect taking me hour by hour through my day. Almost routinely I fall into a power struggle with getting Kaitlyn dressed before we leave her bedroom in the morning. No shirt is ever good enough, and pants? Forget it, she's on strike. Pink leggings win so often I think about stocking her drawers with nothing but pink leggings! Dylan is fairly clingy in the morning which drives Special K nuts prompting her to antagonize him...that's the first hour of daybreak. Antagonizing Dylan starts and ends our days!
She: runs behind him and pushes him down.
She: pinches his cheeks and arms for no reason.
She: she shoves her finger in his mouth to then pull it out with crazy force against his cheek.
She: pushes him down again.
She: did I mention she pushes him down?
She: steals his food on his tray.
She: grabs any and all toys out of his hands.
She: clobbers and tumbles upon him using her entire body.
She: wants to play anything he is playing with.
She: tries to poke his eyes.
He: falls down and cries out.
He: pulls her hair.
He: pulls her hair again and gets a clump of hair.
He: laughs. Laughs a lot.
He: cries out.
He: flinches. He's in a constant state of flinching.
He: follows her around.
He: wants to play anything she is playing with.
He: walks away.
Oh the two of them are a riot when in the heart of each other's space. Sporadically throughout each day there are moments of grace-Special K will be in pure harmony playing with puzzles while Dylan is obsessed with the pink vacuum, both in their own imagination.
At the end of the day I take great pride in knowing my children have budding minds, little fingers that like to poke, prod, pry and pull. I love that they are verbal and caring, expressively emotional and while often irrational, can show fierce independence! Dylan on the verge of one, and Kaitlyn 28 months, these spirited children of mine keep me up late, get me up early and continually remind me how precious life is!
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