Sunday, June 28, 2009

Maui Sunshine

Jordy, the giraffe-Kaitlyn's new friend!
I never thought I'd use one of these 'lesh' things, but are they cool!
Definitely recommend it to any mom who has an active child-
but only for busy public places!

We were given these fresh lei's upon our arrival!
Kudos to Steve for managing all the behind-the-scenes travel arrangements.
Little details like this truly added to the memories!

If only we were locals-our rental car plates!

View from our lanai-first night (4th floor). We ended up changing rooms after
the second night and were on the 9th floor,
room 911 for the remainder of our trip
(hmmm, Steve thought it was meant to be)!


Morning moments with Grandma....Kaitlyn is quite the pointer.

The usual look: shades, hat, sleeveless attire.

Chillin' after a nice boardwalk stroll!

At the luau-Feast at Lele.

Family times...beachfront of Mama's Fish House where we
enjoyed an exquisite Father's Day meal!

Nana and Kaitlyn

Happy Father's Day!

Loving every bit of ice cream...Kaitlyn knows what ice cream is and will
point, kick, do anything to get a bite if she sees it!

Cessna 172 flight from Kahului to Hana with pilot Armin (he was the pilot for Steve's Hang Gliding gig later that day so he took us along for his daily commute to get us to the Hana airport)!

One of the rare and notable red sand beaches in Hana-gorgeous!

Hiking in Hana-headed through some lava caves at Waianapanapa State Park
where there are blacksand beaches.

Steve getting geared up for his powered hang gliding flight
over the Hana rain forest area.

Thumbs Up!

View from the Cessna 172 on the way back to Kahului-
it was early evening and gorgeous!

Chasing after Kaitlyn while being pregnant means a camera is not the first thing I look for when digging inside my diaper bag! These photos are just a sampling of our recent Maui vacation-Steve and my mom have way more candid shots that must be obtained as my collection missed huge memorable our helicopter ride on Father's Day and Sarphen (our little guy in my belly) snorkeling at the Molokini Crater...yeah, a camera isn't a high priority accessory-diaper cream and wipes along with infant motrin, infant tylenol and my iPhone iPod make the priority list! Our adventure began Wednesday morning, the 17th of June and carried on well after we returned on the 25th-at least for Kaitlyn. She is finally her normal self, after being home four days (the flight home was horrifying-honestly, she was a wreck...I was juggling her while she was screaming, kicking, almost in a convulsive state-at least it seemed that way for an endless 90 minutes...she had been battling a bit of a cold prior to our departure and who knows what else but for a good duration of the flight I was 'one of those moms' who got stared down--you think I cared? Not one bit. I stood solid, caring for her as best that I could and was ever so grateful for the kind people along the way not too mention the motrin and tylenol)....
The plan was to have both Grandma's come along to be the Nannies and nanny they did. Steve and I took total advantage of their presence-especially me when Kaitlyn would wake up at 4:30am or 5:30am ready for the day. Usually one of the nannies was up and I'd get her situated with one of them then crawl back into bed to wake hours later knowing Kaitlyn was already fed and energized. Blessings, real blessings. While both nannies were terrific, and I had incredible times away from Kaitlyn, as a mom you still can't walk away when the crying starts. So, I was still Mom when traveling-I suppose we never lose that title no matter who watches your children! I can't say top ten highlights as these are in no particular order-but rather random notes about some incredible times, observations, get the idea. Heck-it was a real vacation!

1. Kaitlyn's relationships with both Grandma (my mom) and Nana (Steve's mom)-now there is no doubt she knows each one really well!

2. Going to sleep to the sound of the ocean.

3. Kaitlyn dancing like a Hawaiian dancer-she would mimic the dancers from the fantastic Luau we attended Saturday night....arms up and wrists turning softly.

4. Kaitlyn walking backwards for the first time, intentionally.

5. Wearing a medium sized wet-suit top when taking my big belly snorkeling (nothing I wear these days says Medium so I got a kick out of it).

6. Dressing up for a date with Steve on Friday night-he surprised me with a night out for magic and appetizers (Warren & Annabelle's-FANTASTIC).

7. Kona coffee glazed macadamia nuts and POG (pineapple, orange and guava juice-I became an addict).

8. Seeing the island from an aerial view both on an hour helicopter tour and then from a Cessna 172-two totally different experiences, both completely outstanding!

9. Being with Steve in Hana, all day on Monday for his Father's Day gift---a powered Hang Gliding hour long flight (this entire day was memorable, romantic, invigorating, breathtaking.....necessary)!

10. Learning about my mom and my mother-in-law as GRANDMA'S! I'm so grateful they live close, and while they are both extremely different, they both have such gifts to give Kaitlyn and our little Sarphen!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Best Friends

Look at that face! She is beyond hysterical...cracking herself up!

Pondering what to do next.

She's become quite the poker...eyes, mouth, even other areas of Cosimo that aren't too appropriate (I really have to watch her around Cosimo)!

Look at this dog-totally passed out with Kaitlyn plopped upon his bed leaning on him plotting her next poke.

Total content girl!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend Character in Full Bloom

Kaitlyn's new hang-out spot: Moms legs and feet. She climbs in between them when I'm in the kitchen and hugs them even kissing my knee!

'Hmmmmm. My toes are pretty cute.'

'I know it's a dirty towel, but it's cozy mommy!'

Uncle Scott patting sweet Kaitlyn's head.

Grandma and Grandpa are moving into a new home-one that they have bought. This basically means that Kaitlyn and our little guy will have their grandparents a mere 35 miles away to the East and Nana a mere 50 miles away to the West! How lucky are they! Saturday night we spent dinner at the new home-Kaitlyn was full of personality, twirling in her own world, snooping through the corridors and of course picking up debris on the floor....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Big Girl...

She made the change over from infant seat to toddler seat on Tuesday. Now facing forward, her life riding in the car has vastly improved! She cracks up when I reach back and grab her toes or turn over my shoulder for a quick glance. Somethings won't ever change regardless of seat and position...Kaitlyn messing with her shoes, finding a way to get them off.

On Monday's doctor appointment she weighed in at 22 lbs. 6 oz.; 29.5 inches in height putting her in the 75th percentile---a well porportioned girl! We didn't plan on making the change over but it sort of just happened and I must say I love it! I love being able to see her, finally! Plus, we can work on preserving the infant car seat for the next baby! Boy-my car is getting crowed already....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blogging Notes...

I'm almost 19 weeks into this pregnancy and am excited to report that we are expecting a baby boy! Our ultrasound revealed unmistakable anatomy-definitely no modesty with this little guy. Thus far I've endured 11 pounds of weight gain and anticipate quite a few more since I can't shake this sugar addiction. I keep saying tomorrow, a new day, no more sugar. I'll get there, I know I will but it's not going to be happening when there are Oreo's in the cabinet and ice cream in the freezer. Purge....that's what I need to do so there won't be a darn easy access food left to tempt me. Will this child like sweets when he enters this world? I sure hope there is some reverse effect...sure would be nice to know he'll enjoy salts or something over the chocolate and creamy deliciousness!

People keep asking me about names and I've got to say no names yet. Steve and I had a list of boy names generated from pre-Kaitlyn days and I'm sure we'll take a peek at what we previously liked to spur something new or confirm an old favorite. Until then I don't have any name that creeps into my dreams or jumps at me from a headlight...

Bunk or separate? We've decided to put the new baby in the nursery with Kaitlyn. Why not? From what I hear it keeps a moms level of sanity lower as both kids are in the same location at the same time when it counts (late night hours, sleeping). I realize Kaitlyn will have to adjust to the new cries but I'm sure it will make her a stronger sleeper and ultimately they will have separate rooms when another house presents itself...but not anytime soon.

I've been told I am snoring these days. This has to be the most unappealing part of pregnancy, next to the bloated/swelling stage during the last trimester. Steve kindly places his hand over my face or pokes my leg when I'm in a deep slumber snoring some Broadway musical and I stop, temporarily-just enough to give him a reprieve. Then apparently it comes on not sexy. He also tells me I have this sleep apnea thing, too...ok, sugar addiction needs to stop. Really, gaining more weight will only make this worse. I'm praying that all these new health issues end when this pregnancy is finally over....and actually, praying that nothing gets worse. Shortness of breath going up the stairs is another new feature with this pregnancy. Everything I'm reading confirms these are common symptoms for women, but c'mon. I had it easy with Kaitlyn....this time around the issues are more pronounced and occuring earlier in the pregnancy. I'll survive, but will Steve? Yeah-he's tough.

I'm finally reaching the phase where sleeping on my left side is the only way to obtain comfort through the night--long are the days when I could sleep on my tummy. In fact I think I've only had a handful of tummy slumbers since Kaitlyn's pregnancy days...between being pregnant and nursing, and pregnant again, a tummy slumber isn't too comfortable.

Onward-now that Kaitlyn is one my blogging days should be over. That was the original intention. Do this blog for her first year of life, make it into a book and be done. Well...I've found this to be a great source for documenting life ... all those great milestones as well as being a platform for all you fans who adore her almost as much as me. So...I'm going to continue blogging-but it will reflect more stories from me about this second pregnancy and of course, continue to feature my lovely daughter! Read as you wish, but really, it's a blog for me. So, sorry in advance if you aren't thrilled about my writings, if you wish I'd only do photos, doesn't matter. In my eyes, this blog can do no wrong!